Junior Cycle History

14 Jan 2025
Junior Cycle History

As featured recently in the Irish Independent Craggaunowen has partnered with Junior Cycle for Teachers to deliver education tours for Secondary School Students

What Junior Cycle for Teachers are saying:
A visit to Craggaunowen would compliment teaching and learning around several Learning Outcomes from Strand 1. Learning Outcomes 1.5 (on the job of the historian, including how s/he finds and uses evidence to form historical judgements which may be revised and reinterpreted in the light of new evidence) might be considered when looking at the evolving view of pre-history in Ireland. Learning Outcome 1.6 (on the usefulness and linitations of different types of primary and secondary sources of historical evidence, such as written, visiaul, aural, oral and tactile evidence; and appreciate the contribution of archaeology and new technology to historical enquiry) could compliment the developing view students have of archaeology in particular and Learning Outcome 1.11 (on making connections and comparisons between people, issues and events in different places and historical eras) would underline the changing role of place like the Co. Clare site over many generations. As Craggaunowen is also home to Tim Severin's Brendan Voyage boar, links could be make to the Specification's reference to early Christian Ireland Learning Outcome 2.6.

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